2017年05月05日 UserDF1C593 さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 20 / 20 回

00時の発言 : 12 回
01時の発言 : 8 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[00:08:36] 先物どういうこと?
[00:16:44] 100万・・・
[00:33:25] 先物はAskが全部食われて成り行きaskがやられてしまったようでs
[00:34:37] 先物はask薄すぎですね
[00:36:07] 先物askが増えてきてる
[00:36:51] てか地味にETHがあがっているw
[00:38:57] 现在所看到的状况怎么样?
[00:45:01] Mr.xxxqi,please tlansrate your situation in English.
[00:49:38] You have to contact bitfyer regarding learge increasing of BTC 05MAY2017.
[00:52:05] ー5604.1・・・・
[00:53:09] ショート怖すぎ
[00:56:18] >xxxpi, you had better to following inquire to BF."For futures trading on the 5th of May, the board was contracted at a price that seems to be considerably diverged from market actuality on the eveni"
[01:03:41] Bid多すぎる
[01:11:36] ETHきてますね。Wipro Joins Enterprise Ethereum Alliance as Founding Member to Develop Enterprise-Grade Blockchain Solutions
[01:13:25] >xxxqi、are you OK?
[01:16:16] >xxxqi, could you explain your situation in English?
[01:22:52] I know what happened. Did you buy Bitcoin for 1Million YEN?
[01:27:55] >xxxqi. That is too bad. You had better to inquire BitFlyer regarding in today' s case.
[01:34:27] 100万のインパクトは半端ない
[01:35:27] 純粋にaskがなくなっただけなら何も言えないですね