2017年09月21日 サトシのバカ さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 33 / 33 回

17時の発言 : 26 回
20時の発言 : 4 回
21時の発言 : 2 回
22時の発言 : 1 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[17:10:57] compete with who? the us?
[17:12:34] ah bad guys. JPM and GS and ... J guys
[17:15:33] but I guess the original intent of bitcoin was freedom. the bad guys came in and corrupted as always.
[17:17:12] yeah the haves will have more. that sucks but is true
[17:19:46] and they slaughtered indians.
[17:20:46] oh yeah, religion is one way to make money.
[17:21:20] so why Saturday? will there be any events?
[17:22:49] we will see. which chart are you looking at? I am a kind of noob.
[17:23:37] ok. this is a fun game isnt it?
[17:24:05] I am looking at bitstamp tradeview.
[17:27:31] $3900以上に上がらない件
[17:28:19] we all die in 10 years anyway.
[17:29:37] I watched a guy saying that and I believed it.
[17:29:54] I mean n youtube.
[17:30:58] Guy McPherson
[17:32:07] It will become 0 in value soon.
[17:33:14] hackers with a quantum computer will steal all.
[17:34:40] anyways, we never know. I am a prophet of doom, lol
[17:35:41] maybe.
[17:35:54] thats true lol
[17:37:30] but it won't go up today!!!
[17:38:08] 政府
[17:38:46] そうね。あんた翻訳屋?
[17:40:33] ギャンブラーだわな
[17:41:40] へー、そう。面白い。じゃ仕事すっからまたな。
[17:58:03] 下がりは勢いあるな〜
[20:35:12] 損した分は逆に還付してもらいたい
[20:37:51] 昨日は10時半から上げたね
[20:49:46] 買いが売りの半分しかない
[20:50:32] そうなんすか
[21:07:44] もはや定価取引やん
[21:19:33] 430k挟んで上下100円的な
[22:45:46] また買った値段より下げたね。もういいや。投げ遣り