2018年03月21日 お〜い竜馬 さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 147 / 147 回

01時の発言 : 1 回
07時の発言 : 2 回
09時の発言 : 4 回
10時の発言 : 32 回
11時の発言 : 13 回
12時の発言 : 9 回
13時の発言 : 36 回
14時の発言 : 14 回
15時の発言 : 12 回
16時の発言 : 8 回
17時の発言 : 4 回
18時の発言 : 5 回
19時の発言 : 2 回
21時の発言 : 1 回
22時の発言 : 2 回
23時の発言 : 2 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[01:32:57] 寝Sの方たち大丈夫かw
[07:24:55] bitcoin will hit close to 120
[07:26:35] If you dont buy it now, youll be crybaby again.lol
[09:43:18] Bitcoin will hit at least 110 by this weekend
[09:55:18] bitcoin would hit among 110 tonight
[09:56:17] dont be a crybaby
[09:59:20] it could drop below 98 but what not buy it now
[10:01:24] ICO will likely be restricted meaning new coins will not increase rapidly
[10:03:59] think about why bitcoin be up during the nights
[10:05:34] if you sell it now, ppl in not aisa will buy cheaper than now
[10:06:27] or you shouldnt all trade till the night, just observe
[10:08:08] if youre worried to buy it now, just set the stop alarm to avoid your money
[10:10:47] D Trump banned Venezuela’s coin. investors were worried about new coins coming, but the fact is NOOO
[10:14:00] nobody know whats gonna happen on crrypto market, but my point is ICO Regulation is a huge part of the market
[10:15:09] ppl will focus on buying new coins and quick gain, its likely to invest some good coins
[10:15:34] ppl will NOT focus on buying new coins and quick gain, its likely to invest some good coins
[10:15:51] typo
[10:18:30] am not an engineer so dont know lol
[10:19:44] bitcoin would hit below 80 again or hit above 120, so do not make a huge profit only one night or week
[10:21:51] paaaaaanick selllllllll lol
[10:23:37] if it goes down, why not buy it at the bottom??
[10:26:35] it's a huge IF, but if Chaina money back to the market?? it"s easy to break 140
[10:28:43] Chain cannot bun cryptocurrency so long, if so there will step back the future market
[10:29:05] or generate a new chaina coin lol
[10:32:17] Greg Medcraft belives blockchain technology will propel the “next revolution.”
[10:32:57] why can be so rude
[10:33:45] why can be so rude
[10:35:21] the banks are not open today, should set the alarm to avoid loosing your money, nobody knows if bitcoin up or no
[10:35:45] Moooorning
[10:36:24] ウエストワールドの世界観好き
[10:38:01] why bitcoin went down below 800? cause of FUD, and now there is no negative news
[10:41:22] ppl buying ETH is mainly for ICO, and now they are buying bitcoin
[10:44:04] if you think that bitcoin gose up like 200 for weeks, ask you mom to make milk
[10:47:28] cryptomarket is not based on the chart, it's on the world news
[10:53:34] you all already know that Bittrex will delist 80 coins, which is a great news for the market
[10:55:25] do not look at the chart for all day, check the world new and watch movies
[10:55:33] news
[10:56:49] its much cheaper than 130
[10:58:34] if you buy around 900 then you can sell now taking a profit or invest
[11:02:26] ppl thinking its goes down have a huge HOPE, not based on the FACT
[11:46:21] If you still hold S, its a gamble not based on world news
[11:47:01] 上がっても下がってもええいじゃないか
[11:48:26] 多少下がっても海外勢は買いますーーーーtill130
[11:50:53] bitcoin will hit 120 sooner or later
[11:52:46] the same as others say its hit below 800lol
[11:53:33] do your own research
[11:54:12] as i mentioned yesterday that bitcoin would hit 100, and the fact it did
[11:55:17] you must be stoned lol
[11:56:40] crypto market is based on world news. this is the fact
[11:57:26] whoever uses the word "retarded" must be a crybaby
[11:58:13] ええじゃないか
[11:58:18] eejanaika
[12:02:26] it could be down to 97, its cause of panic selling
[12:04:50] do not hope, do not gain a huge profit for only day or week,
[12:05:27] make your own rules and buy and sell
[12:10:26] 上がればええじゃないか
[12:11:25] 買いましええじゃないか
[12:11:56] yokoyoko
[12:12:39] yokoyoko
[12:13:50] 投機の制限は注文数の制限とかかも。それでもええじゃないか
[12:14:58] yokoyoko
[13:04:58] 100越えええじゃないか
[13:08:50] 底値が995保てれば100なんて突破。落ちてもええじゃないか
[13:09:41] bitcoin hit at 100 again now it aims at least 105
[13:10:54] yokoyoko
[13:18:01] 10000000000 ええじゃないかああ
[13:19:52] 105でyokoyoko
[13:21:38] it does matter if it break out 99 now, it will at night anyway
[13:22:36] yokoyoko
[13:23:27] yokoyoko
[13:24:17] ここからSは勇者、昨日と同じで焼かれるよ
[13:24:30] yokoyoko
[13:25:01] そーれyokoyoko
[13:25:26] yokoyoko
[13:25:59] now you all need to pay attention at night
[13:27:06] yokoyko
[13:29:38] yokoyoko
[13:31:48] 105まで行っちゃいなー落ちてもええじゃないか
[13:33:30] 昨日も97で滞在から100行ったからなー
[13:35:45] yokoyoko
[13:36:41] 下がってもええじゃないか
[13:37:11] am totally excited whats gonna happen at night
[13:37:48] if this keep for a while, we maybe see 120 again soon
[13:38:50] yokoyoko
[13:39:58] 落ちてもまた上がればええじゃなか
[13:41:23] 昨日は97yokoyokoからの100
[13:42:17] we all wish chaina money back to the market lol
[13:43:10] yokoyoko
[13:44:56] yokoyoko
[13:45:40] yokoyoko
[13:46:25] yokoyoko
[13:47:34] yokoyko
[13:49:05] yokoyoko
[13:52:58] yokoyoko
[13:54:27] yokoyoko
[13:55:13] yokoyoko
[14:00:09] yokoyoko
[14:03:08] フルレバ刺www
[14:12:18] yokoyoko
[14:12:57] 落ちても上がっても盛り上がってるからええじゃないか
[14:23:15] G20FUDで下がってただけなのに
[14:23:33] yokoyoko
[14:25:58] 120までは上げ下げしながら到達するんじゃないかな。禁止事項とか増えなければ
[14:28:05] Sは日給マイナス1-10万でバイト募集してますよ
[14:29:18] 最近昼売り夜買いだったから今日はどうなるか楽しみ
[14:29:55] yokoyoko
[14:30:19] 101yokoyko
[14:31:16] 利確も大事。落ちてもええじゃないか
[14:32:24] 利益確保して落ちるor上がった後に買いましでもええじゃないか
[14:36:14] yokoyoko
[15:01:29] yokoyoko
[15:02:03] yokoyoko
[15:19:58] yokoyoko
[15:20:19] yokoyoko
[15:26:29] yokoyko
[15:30:39] yokoyoko
[15:32:25] マイナーコインが上場廃止とかでビットに集中したのもあるかも。ないかも。
[15:33:20] yokoyoko
[15:37:55] 上がったから暴落よりもG20FUD消えたことの方が大きいと思う
[15:40:06] 風呂Lwww
[15:42:46] yokoyoko
[15:43:45] 93, 94S多そう
[16:06:36] 夜はどうなるのかなーどっちでもええじゃないか
[16:44:12] これで
[16:45:15] Sの人は利確タイミングだよ
[16:54:53] ここでS入れるなら100台で入れとけよww
[16:55:25] L
[16:57:23] 100Lも損切り早すぎww
[16:59:49] ここで下がるなら夜が楽しみ
[16:59:57] ええじゃないか
[17:45:44] G20FUDで下がりすぎたのかと
[17:46:59] むしろ中国規制解除もあったり、なかったり
[17:49:34] Sno
[17:57:24] 昨日も94のラインがどうのこうで結局100行っちゃったkらね。利益出たらこまめに利確してればいいと思うけど
[18:31:43] 100 yokoyoko
[18:32:09] yokoyoko
[18:34:04] yokoyoko
[18:51:17] yokoyoko
[18:53:11] yokoyoko
[19:06:44] yokoyokarano102
[19:16:26] yokoyoko 102
[21:17:49] yokoyoko
[22:45:03] yokoyoko
[22:45:56] これぞ安定した通貨
[23:35:24] シリコンバレーの一起業家もビットコインは10年以内を目処に世界の通過になるだろうと予測
[23:35:34] 通貨