2021年01月11日 Sunpower さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 36 / 37 回

00時の発言 : 1 回
20時の発言 : 7 回
21時の発言 : 22 回
22時の発言 : 1 回
23時の発言 : 6 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[00:00:49] @クリスト伯 - Thanks, baby. You, too.
[20:05:52] @peter.rabbit - Are you there?
[20:07:53] 外人来た!
[20:08:21] Okay, boys. I need some advice.
[20:08:30] Anyone want to help me?
[20:08:39] @Buyjin - Are you there?
[20:08:55] Nice snow.
[20:09:00] Yeah. Thanks.
[21:19:45] @Buyjin - Are you there?
[21:21:02] @peter.rabbit - Are you there?
[21:31:59] Hey, boys, what's the shot?
[21:32:06] Are we going to see a crash tomorrow?
[21:32:14] 2 Million coin tomorrow?
[21:32:27] Nice
[21:32:37] Did you sell at 4 Million?
[21:32:55] Very nice.
[21:33:03] When will you buy back in?
[21:33:21] Yeah, it will. For sure.
[21:33:44] Yeah 2 Million I think also.
[21:34:16] I have ETFs and I am thinking of selling them and buying Bitcoin. What do you think?
[21:35:02] @外人FX - That is what I'm thinking of doing.
[21:35:19] @UserA3AFAAF - Why?
[21:35:43] @Hurry Botter - Hi.
[21:37:09] @外人FX - What do you think the high will be for Bitcoin in 2021?
[21:38:15] @UserA3AFAAF - I am HODL'ing.
[21:44:20] @UserEAE2B47 - Do you think that I should not sell my ETFs and buy Bitcoin?
[21:46:06] @UserEAE2B47 - I am seriously thinking of selling some of my ETFs and buying Bitcoin.
[21:46:22] I have bond ETFs, and they don't pay much in dividends.
[21:48:02] ギガビッグマックが美味しですか?
[22:43:06] ユダヤ人どうですか?
[23:48:18] Holy shit, boys. What is happening?
[23:48:44] I'm Daily P&L: - 2,000,000
[23:49:01] WOW
[23:49:08] It's HAPPENING!
[23:49:15] CRASH!
[23:49:22] BIG CRASH!