2022年01月06日 ETHentrepreneur さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 12 / 12 回

17時の発言 : 12 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[17:36:00] In November I said to sell all first week of January. I specifically said January 4th. HA HA HA good luck !
[17:36:51] I love my first week profit! blah blah blah all assumption. Follow the whale
[17:37:22] prepare for another 30% down!
[17:37:54] If you listened and sold on the 4th, BRAVO! Well done!
[17:38:12] If you did not, then you are dumb money
[17:38:46] let the market break
[17:39:13] we have been in bear territory since August, nobody realize that apart you Elephant haha
[17:40:00] As a bull, I wont push this market up. I will let it break and turn into a super bear haha
[17:40:35] I said this since november, I gave the exact date when it will go down
[17:40:47] Be ignorant lose money!
[17:41:17] I will enjoy this January by not touching the market and let it burn
[17:41:44] Good luck and goodbye. See you all next month