2017年06月16日 Eigo さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 45 / 46 回

13時の発言 : 41 回
14時の発言 : 1 回
15時の発言 : 2 回
16時の発言 : 2 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[13:29:38] 10代の人いる?
[13:30:27] Any English speakers?
[13:30:49] 前はいたのに
[13:31:10] 英語がいいw
[13:31:23] Why are you talking like that? lol
[13:31:44] How long has everyone been doing BTC?
[13:32:09] 10 years?!?!
[13:32:31] 10年は金持ちじゃん(笑)
[13:33:11] Ctox, 10 years? How is it working out for you?
[13:33:48] 皆普通の仕事をしている?
[13:33:58] それかbitFlyerだけ?
[13:34:14] Hello shark. lol
[13:35:25] 私は昨日からbitflyer始めた
[13:36:16] でーでんってなによ
[13:36:53] hey bro
[13:37:15] hands down please
[13:38:20] What is the red line on the graph?
[13:38:47] BTC/JPYの
[13:38:54] 赤い線は何?
[13:39:41] 説明ありがとうorz
[13:41:11] 普通の社員してない人いる?
[13:41:47] You cannot buy ether with your credit card on here
[13:41:59] however you can buy BTC with credit card than exchange BTC with ETH
[13:43:25] @gracia I got lucky, man. I bought when it was a little low. So I have been profitting
[13:44:17] @garcia a lot of investors are projecting it not to rise, so i don't think there is anything to lose
[13:44:50] @garcia you should ask the bank to setup internet banking for you. it makes things a hell of a lot easier
[13:45:15] @garcia or have you tried depositing money via convenience store?
[13:46:20] @gracia yeah, man! the service fee is only 324 yen too
[13:46:57] @garcia and the conbini workers can help you with your transfers. just show them your phone screen
[13:48:57] @garcia no problem! maybe even try depositing with your bank to bitflyer too. As long as you have the transfer number details, the bank workers should you help you out no problem
[13:49:06] @伝説 I agree
[13:49:50] つづいてほしかった?
[13:52:04] i am ハーフ
[13:52:54] 当たってる
[13:53:30] 何のハーフ?
[13:53:43] @ちきん そう
[13:55:13] 皆いくらBUYした?
[13:55:49] chill, man
[13:56:24] let us all be nice to one another
[13:56:29] live in peace
[14:04:05] 上がってるー
[15:14:01] @garcia there is no telling. haha
[15:14:28] @garcia the price is usually the lowest right before midnight though
[16:18:03] 初心者です
[16:19:13] 皆ふつうはいくら買う?