2017年08月16日 avoid vulgarity さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 93 / 93 回

00時の発言 : 79 回
10時の発言 : 6 回
14時の発言 : 2 回
15時の発言 : 5 回
21時の発言 : 1 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[00:00:03] ボットばかり
[00:00:21] ボットばかりボットばかり
[00:00:35] んーむ
[00:00:38] こんやも
[00:00:40] 早い
[00:00:46] すらすら
[00:00:49] btc
[00:00:55] マイニング
[00:01:07] マイニング
[00:01:16] マイニングマイニング
[00:01:32] dfgh
[00:01:33] sd
[00:01:34] df
[00:01:35] y
[00:01:36] hdf
[00:01:37] tey
[00:01:38] 6
[00:01:39] 97
[00:01:40] 87
[00:01:41] 798
[00:01:42] 2
[00:01:43] 65
[00:01:44] 867
[00:01:45] 657
[00:01:46] 754
[00:01:47] 756
[00:01:48] 76
[00:01:49] 475
[00:01:50] 473
[00:01:51] 708685
[00:01:53] 7547
[00:01:54] 655467
[00:01:55] tyu
[00:01:56] yjg
[00:01:57] fd
[00:01:58] d
[00:01:59] ky
[00:02:00] gnhm
[00:02:01] sefd
[00:02:02] sf
[00:02:03] hdftg
[00:02:04] dhfgj
[00:02:05] ygf
[00:02:07] gf
[00:02:08] xc
[00:02:09] rt
[00:02:10] cvbv
[00:02:11] hdf
[00:02:12] hrt
[00:02:13] 5r
[00:02:15] t
[00:02:16] 456
[00:02:17] 47
[00:02:18] 65
[00:02:19] 23
[00:02:20] 31
[00:02:22] 123
[00:02:23] 07
[00:02:24] 7
[00:02:25] 32
[00:02:26] 34
[00:02:27] 574
[00:02:28] 56
[00:02:31] 4567
[00:02:34] 356
[00:02:35] 3564
[00:02:54] ギャーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
[00:03:27] Current height: 480663
[00:03:36] 000000000000000001238be277a9f83f9979db2189e1cfc9f45f3d2f969b4fdb
[00:03:46] Is behind other nodes: No
[00:03:56] Most Recent Common Ancestor Hash With Another Node
[00:04:07] Most Recent Common Ancestor Height With Another Node
[00:04:17] Most Recent Forking Block Height
[00:04:32] active since block
[00:04:58] There are 4 possible colors for the nodes and that this website will show. When a node is colored green and the banner is green
[00:05:13] The website runs a node for each of the nodes displayed above. A process runs every ten seconds to check to see if each of the nodes has diverged from each other. To avoid triggering the warning in ca
[00:05:46] Most Recent Common Ancestor Hash With Another Node
[00:06:05] Bitcoin Cash (BCH) $295.98
[00:06:52] XRP ¥671,315,448,397
[10:27:47] 0.07ラインはりつけの刑
[10:28:30] ボットじゃなくて仕込んでる人だったらだいぶ集めたでしょーね
[10:29:20] 2-3年持ってりゃ光も見るでしょ
[10:30:07] 株だめですか
[10:31:21] ethは実用的だから稼働し始める前の仕込み時期でしょ
[10:33:38] btcみたいに釣り上ると手が出しにくいでしょうしね
[14:46:48] 勢い止まりましたね
[14:48:53] 上がり続けてたから次は下がり続けですかね
[15:10:36] まだ下がるだろうし待っとこw
[15:14:51] 煽られて売り買いする人おらんでしょ今時
[15:15:25] 理由なき上げは理由なく下げるw
[15:18:49] 結局動かしてる人はこんなとこでチャットしとらんってことですかねw
[15:19:50] 全ては大口次第
[21:51:18] 意外と下がらなかったのか