2017年10月12日 SHIFFD さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 131 / 131 回

05時の発言 : 3 回
06時の発言 : 17 回
07時の発言 : 1 回
10時の発言 : 7 回
11時の発言 : 8 回
12時の発言 : 32 回
13時の発言 : 17 回
14時の発言 : 1 回
15時の発言 : 1 回
17時の発言 : 1 回
18時の発言 : 9 回
19時の発言 : 15 回
21時の発言 : 18 回
22時の発言 : 1 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[05:54:55] goood morning...hope you all did well last night
[05:55:05] I did ok....coulda made some if I chose not to sleep LOL
[05:58:22] Yesterday was a big beautiful M, today was a little one
[06:05:16] time to make some money on the yokoyko train
[06:08:11] Mona is going steady up
[06:08:20] best alt coin right now on flyer
[06:44:55] Man chat is hard to use for me while trading LOL...I'm already playing a video game on side
[06:45:21] It's gonna dip again
[06:45:25] IMO
[06:47:52] After this small recovery I predict another drop, slight...then a climb, slowly
[06:48:41] I'm not screwin with ETH or BCH...I think gold willl take their business
[06:48:49] Ether forking too much too
[06:48:58] They need to stop forking around
[06:49:04] Mother forkers
[06:49:27] MONA and Bit till gold comes out....Get your Bit in a wallet off the exchange
[06:50:02] Exchanges that don't offer redeems on forks will see their customers move their coin
[06:50:30] So they'll either make fees or lose business...probably they'll make fees which will kill their legitimacy as an exchange
[06:50:43] and hurt them most long run
[06:51:07] I think mona will double or more then plummet
[06:54:23] I think so, there is resistance though
[07:49:24] gambling hehe
[10:16:57] chat bonus?
[10:17:15] I gave up on it it's so inconsistent but its nice when you get it
[10:20:30] man today is bringing whole new meaning to the word flat action
[10:20:37] REAL yoko!
[10:21:21] no bonus for me...I didn't chat that much though
[10:30:03] I think we go up to USD 5000 levels, but we don't break it....I think we bounce off the line
[10:36:03] If you can read English here is a model showing why bitcoin and ICOs have so much potential to get so much bigger http://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-is-how-much-money-exists-in-the-entire-world-in-
[11:13:10] BTC just went up $15 but yen hardly budged....
[11:13:54] still climbing
[11:13:59] WTF why are we so far behind hte trend?
[11:14:58] Weird
[11:17:51] Came straight back I think...
[11:25:45] flat again?
[11:41:39] yes
[11:41:41] lol
[12:04:18] I think the overall trend is going sideways now
[12:04:42] 全体的によこよこ来よる
[12:05:16] よこよこよこいしょ
[12:07:09] ヨコか上。。。。。
[12:07:33] 何でもありえる所かな
[12:12:33] BTC mini M owari
[12:16:38] I think 550000 is the bottom, but if it breaks that....
[12:41:52] Is someone paying you people to talk up mona or maybe its a bot, or like 1 or 2 dudes with 5 accounts?
[12:42:01] It's pretty obvious what is going on
[12:42:22] Who in their right mind would talk about mona coins for hours on end.....
[12:42:59] It's going to have the opposite effect in the end, people who aren't stupid are going to see deliberate paid advertising disguised as chat
[12:43:28] Is this what the chat bonus is really all about? Getting is to log onto a commercial stream disguised as real people?
[12:44:54] チャットじゃなくなった。。。FAKEACCOUNTのSPAMだよ。もなのSPAM・CMになている
[12:45:05] だまされないように
[12:46:27] モナ始まりもなかった!
[12:46:34] SPAMしかない
[12:46:49] SPAMながさんよ
[12:47:02] もなSPAMうざい
[12:47:43] もなぎゃくに嫌いになる
[12:48:59] こんどからSPAM打ちまくる時俺が毎回ちゃんと’皆それはSPAMだよ’ってちゃんと教えるからね
[12:49:21] みんなのメールにすればいい
[12:49:35] FILTERに。。。。
[12:49:46] JUNKFOLDERに
[12:51:14] I htink I'll write an article for one of the crypto sites about the mona spammin, maybe they'll post it in the news
[12:51:21] Any press is good press right?
[12:52:40] モナ=騙されている
[12:53:51] モナ=騙されている
[12:54:28] モナ=騙されている
[12:57:43] モナ=騙されている
[12:58:33] LOL
[12:59:08] jk?
[12:59:13] LOL
[13:02:34] THe potential and reason for alt coins to be created in such numbers is for early investers to double or triple their investment quickly. There is no long term goals plans or uses for most of them
[13:03:05] They are simply seeing what bitcoin did and trying to mimic its EARLY price changes for their own benefit, then cut and run
[13:03:48] Its purely a rich get richer scheme that preys mostly on the working class, and it takes away from the goals of cryptocurrencies in general, hurting legitimate crypto value, trust etc.
[13:04:02] and bringing attention from regulators, hence ICO bans
[13:04:29] All cryptos are not scams or intended to be, but some are, and many early investers see them as scams regardless of developer intentions
[13:04:33] モナ=騙されている
[13:06:49] The idea of crypto currencies and the code that came together to become bitcoin was decades in the coming, with many people involved
[13:08:33] mona may hit a higher range of value before those holding hte most coins sell off and tank the price, the last investors will lose the most, this is called a pyramid or ponzi
[13:13:03] What is Mona's progress as being used commercially?
[13:13:20] Is there any legitimate progress or effort on that front? If not its a ponzi
[13:13:36] IF it can't be used for anything but investment...then the whole point is for early investors to collect from later investors
[13:14:03] That is the problem with 90% of alt coins
[13:14:10] They have no intention of doing anything but sell
[13:15:05] ならいい
[13:15:22] なら未来ある
[13:15:53] If the coins have legitimate application they don't need to be spammed about
[13:16:04] Especially at an early stage
[14:31:07] 5000USD push
[15:27:00] bitprice good but beware of selloff
[17:59:58] timing is everything!!!
[18:00:06] I wasn't even online to ride the wave LOL
[18:00:21] My orders did me a few yen earnings...but had I been online
[18:00:24] durn
[18:06:40] Chat bonus worth more now lol
[18:23:49] WTF LOL
[18:27:34] 月までばい
[18:39:28] モナ=
[18:39:54] モナ=SPAMだまされないように
[18:40:08] モナ=SPAMだまされないように
[19:20:42] scary stuff lol
[19:20:49] don't get too greedy!
[19:26:26] this is frustrating the gap between fx, jpy and USD
[19:26:36] and the delay/inverse movement sometimes
[19:26:45] Morning in USA
[19:26:52] early
[19:28:23] Futures dropped 5000 wen USD went down about 50, but when USD recoverd 50 FX only recovered 2000 or so....what a scam
[19:29:18] FXと世界のbitcoin全然ずれた
[19:29:37] あやしい過ぎる
[19:30:49] 上がるべきFXが。。。。
[19:31:08] 3-4000ずれ
[19:32:53] やっと
[19:33:06] ええええ
[19:34:52] Well I made a good chunk of change today...but its a bad finish if I pull out now...
[19:35:00] but I'm feeling no position is best soon
[21:11:57] I had a lesson for the last hour...screwed up everything LOL
[21:12:23] sometimes
[21:12:40] but I think I will focus on FX...but really depends on teh day...today obviously was bad timing
[21:12:54] I didn't lose anything but I didn't win much either...well lost a little I think...still a few orders to see through
[21:13:15] All the runs today happened when I had lessons, horrible timing
[21:13:16] horrilbe
[21:17:11] pushing back up
[21:17:18] lets see how strong
[21:18:32] OK I"m focused now, I'm gonna recover my position
[21:23:25] we are on curve both long and short....right at the break point
[21:24:29] モナ=SPAM
[21:32:44] dazed and conused
[21:51:17] Ever seen a game of tugowar?
[21:51:29] つなひき
[21:53:06] chatbots galore LOL
[21:53:21] FX/MONA = SPAM LOL
[21:53:29] LOLOLOL too much spam!!!
[21:56:42] feels like break coming
[22:27:52] good night everyone