2018年01月22日 UserC3E3DDD さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 97 / 97 回

00時の発言 : 97 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[00:01:09] jfvぐgあうgv
[00:01:10] いうやgゔぇg
[00:01:11] i7yvhrg
[00:01:12] I just want to say
[00:01:13] I'm just trying out a
[00:01:14] I'm not a good friend of yours
[00:01:15] The only reason I was going in
[00:01:16] I'm not a fan and it's
[00:01:17] and the other
[00:01:18] The first one ☝️ is a little
[00:01:19] hard work 😓 is to start a day
[00:01:20] I'm going home now I'm just
[00:01:21] leaving the store now I'm on a roll
[00:01:22] I'm going back home now
[00:01:23] I have been to this
[00:01:24] I'm going back home
[00:01:25] The first one
[00:01:26] I have been
[00:01:27] The new one
[00:01:28] The first thing that you can
[00:01:30] one ☝️ I
[00:01:31] The first thing
[00:01:32] I'm not going anywhere
[00:01:35] The only way to
[00:01:36] I'm not a good
[00:01:37] The first one was
[00:01:38] I have a lot of fun
[00:01:39] I just want to say that
[00:01:41] I'm going back and I have a
[00:01:42] The new one has a great job in his
[00:01:44] I have a lot of
[00:01:45] I just got wanted to
[00:01:46] I don't want you
[00:01:47] The only thing that
[00:01:48] The new one ☝️ has
[00:01:49] The new update
[00:01:50] I'm not a big
[00:01:51] I have a lot to
[00:01:52] I have a couple of
[00:01:53] I'm just trying not
[00:01:55] I don't want
[00:01:57] I have
[00:01:58] I just wanted you know what
[00:01:59] I'm just trying to out
[00:02:00] The new update has
[00:02:01] I have been
[00:02:02] The new version is
[00:02:03] The only thing is that
[00:02:04] The first thing you
[00:02:05] The first only reason
[00:02:09] The 56535q398y7tegr
[00:02:10] 9y84hwuers
[00:02:11] fshgwurtf
[00:02:12] xuhu5hj46tr
[00:02:13] nf9xhyb5hnktny
[00:02:14] gdjny h5ktrl
[00:02:15] dfgxdih5nhrtdn
[00:02:16] rtdfgcjhn y5
[00:02:18] h\rtygf'n dy]hdg fu9ht4uby5jhrtbdfg
[00:02:19] gchb y
[00:02:20] trdfgxchbj nmy
[00:02:21] yj5hrtnidjfd
[00:02:22] ty5hbujrtdmbfx,
[00:02:24] j4ahinhrdtxroinj my34w5r;tjfnbd yp5wh'nrts fd
[00:02:25] dfgnb4 jhrtsb
[00:02:27] sbfdsnibrjk 4nmy5w4hrtjdbfj m
[00:02:28] hdf' y5w
[00:02:30] hrtdfgbdj ksm,y5jwnhrt' gfdeb jy5mw4hrt
[00:02:33] sb' jnmyhtrdhfgbjdx s4yj5hnkrtsシートテック
[00:02:36] ヒートテック
[00:02:42] ビットコイン
[00:02:45] dさとし
[00:02:46] なかもと後師
[00:02:48] うあyうぇg
[00:02:50] ういあ4えいbn
[00:02:52] あいうえお
[00:02:54] ouieytg
[00:02:57] あいうを
[00:02:59] あいうwぽ
[00:03:02] ぽいうghjあおw3ういじぇtg
[00:03:08] 寝て下さいいhb
[00:03:12] フラッsy油mw杜
[00:03:18] フラシュッ杜
[00:03:19] ういあげwhbjtg
[00:03:23] デジタルデータ
[00:03:29] メモリが小さくなるんほど
[00:03:32] とううしgば
[00:03:35] めいんばいうぇ9ふbtjg
[00:03:36] うth4g
[00:03:38] そのPこえー
[00:03:41] アタR高いー0
[00:03:45] そのにぽうおい
[00:03:48] ぐyhj34tgrその
[00:03:50] 涙ー
[00:03:54] 4えyghrfえゆちゅk
[00:03:57] pj8rtdh;
[00:04:00] 来るわてw-