2018年02月02日 UserF0FA539 さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 30 / 30 回

20時の発言 : 30 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[20:15:59] 1
[20:16:17] w
[20:17:20] q
[20:17:26] hi its john
[20:17:37] brb
[20:17:42] be right back
[20:17:55] whats going on
[20:17:57] hello
[20:18:04] how are you
[20:18:40] hi its john
[20:18:44] brb
[20:18:47] be right back
[20:36:15] hi its john
[20:36:21] w eee
[20:36:27] were yuy there
[20:36:30] hello
[20:36:40] why is it falling
[20:36:54] dgdgdggdgdgd
[20:36:58] sdkdhshduulsldjs
[20:37:09] asertiveness
[20:37:18] how long it is
[20:37:37] ongai shimasu
[20:37:45] shitsure shimasu
[20:37:53] ohayo gozainasu
[20:38:00] oyasuminasai
[20:53:01] who fined
[20:57:57] hello
[20:58:03] hi its john hi its john hi its john
[20:58:17] random chat is bad
[20:58:26] lol lol lol