2018年02月19日 見上げ 天使(’’~”) さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 44 / 44 回

15時の発言 : 10 回
16時の発言 : 34 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[15:53:27] いなごさん、 これからBTCは上がりますか
[15:54:11] よこよこだと大量はできないんん。
[15:56:34] BTCはレジスタンスラインで頑張っている。。。
[15:56:46] BTCは上がるでしょう。。。
[15:57:40] 上がって、23万で買ったからね。
[15:57:54] それ以上、上がって欲しい。。。
[15:58:35] bitflyer does not offer XRP coins.
[15:59:10] So you may find at bb or Zaif.
[15:59:30] Yes
[15:59:57] no problem
[16:03:28] BTC BTC 上がって。。。
[16:03:51] いなごさん、いらっしゃいました。
[16:05:27] いなごさん、BTCがレジスタンスラインちょっと↑ですが、今夜は上がるんですか。
[16:07:36] don t take it personally, that s too risky.
[16:08:38] When the trend was good.
[16:09:05] Now it is difficult to predict ups and downs
[16:09:42] though it is moved by rumors as well.
[16:10:24] good luck
[16:12:16] BTCは元気が出ました。
[16:13:14] 去年12月、先月のロスを抜け出したい。。
[16:15:07] Hey use BB is safer , as long as I know.
[16:16:10] not sure,.
[16:16:46] I never tried it.
[16:18:35] yeap, also it is based in Korean Currency
[16:19:31] Their rates are much higher than Japan's rate
[16:21:00] thing is, I had XRP and I ended up selling it.
[16:21:31] It is stuck at range of 119 - 120 Yens
[16:22:38] I would go for XRP later if things get well.
[16:22:53] not now as I had a big loss.
[16:24:03] indeed XRP is much faster, LTC is far from it.
[16:24:47] From that ETH got a little bit better.
[16:26:09] So you are not residing in Japan?
[16:27:12] Most of the Exchange agencies they request an address here in Japan.
[16:28:05] You should contact them, to make sure about the details.
[16:28:31] Good for you.
[16:30:19] I believe they request address in Japan, and that you have an account in Japanese banks.
[16:31:09] Anyways, you should contact them to check the procedures.
[16:31:44] chal moroge sum nida.
[16:32:40] Sorry I got to be back to check BTC, as it is going up.
[16:32:57] wish you good luck
[16:33:06] Anyong hige seyo.
[16:33:09] Nee
[16:35:01] いなご様 これでBTCは 赤いゾーンから抜け出すやねん。」
[16:35:47] 15%