2018年03月01日 SHIFFD さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 26 / 29 回

06時の発言 : 15 回
07時の発言 : 12 回
21時の発言 : 2 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[06:27:37] good morning everyone....
[06:27:42] STill no frigging SFD change
[06:27:49] YOu believe this dip coming or reversal?
[06:28:15] I tried 10 times, got 2 SFDs only
[06:29:22] It's very hard to play right now
[06:29:40] I think they just need to do something about bots and it will work out
[06:30:00] good luck trading yalls
[06:48:10] THis is bullshit
[06:48:22] I guarantee they are using SFD to steal money
[06:48:51] If they really want to get rid of price disparity put in the rule nad let us check a box that says DO NOT EXECUTE IF SFD WILL APPLY
[06:49:11] THey we never pay it if we don't want to and nobody ever executes an excessive price disparity...unless they really want to pay the fee for it
[06:49:18] Eveyrone woudl check the box, price problem OVER
[06:49:25] No instead this stupid rule to steal our money
[06:49:27] Assholes
[06:53:36] This is nonsense. THey are just doing whatever the hell they want...no sense of fairness
[07:14:24] We really need an option to automatically cancel any order SFD would apply to
[07:14:26] This is a scam
[07:15:12] Yea probably THEIR BOT
[07:15:39] Bullshit
[07:16:01] Yea its a bot's game
[07:16:09] 100% bot wins
[07:16:34] But if they would give us all that automation. then it wouldn't be like that
[07:16:54] Which is why I still think they are running their own bots in the game
[07:17:03] and manipulating the whole shit so they win
[21:16:03] wazzzzup.....so no SFD? ever? lol
[21:16:58] so see yall next tiem...this is too boring for me