2018年12月10日 宇多田似と焼肉!MEXおじさん さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 51 / 51 回

02時の発言 : 4 回
06時の発言 : 4 回
07時の発言 : 2 回
21時の発言 : 1 回
22時の発言 : 19 回
23時の発言 : 21 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[02:30:04] The city's a blaze, the town's on fire. The woman's flames are reaching higher. We were fools, we called her liar. All I hear is "Burn!"
[02:37:12] レンジやてw
[02:38:18] あー爆益w
[02:48:47] There's no future No future No future for you!!!
[06:32:55] ワイだけ信じてロングした人おはようさん
[06:34:49] 草おはようさん!
[06:37:44] 草よ、堅実に生きるのじゃ
[06:39:29] ワイは畑の様子を見に行ってくるさかい、後は頼んだで!
[07:40:52] 裏の畑でポチが鳴くもんやから様子見に行ってきた
[07:41:51] ここ掘れワンワンw
[21:58:20] Come on come on Come on let's go Space Truckin' Come on come on come on Space Truckin'
[22:00:33] Come on come on Come on let's go Space Truckin' Come on come on come on Space Truckin'
[22:03:09] わしょおじよかったのう
[22:03:43] Come on come on Come on let's go Space Truckin' Come on come on come on Space Truckin'
[22:07:33] Come on come on Come on let's go Space Truckin' Come on come on come on Space Truckin'
[22:09:31] Moooooooooooooooon!!!
[22:09:45] Come on come on Come on let's go Space Truckin' Come on come on come on Space Truckin'
[22:12:04] 北浜住みやったか
[22:13:36] いまは芦屋や
[22:17:32] おーすーしーいー
[22:21:42] いなフラはん遊んどるがな
[22:25:58] 日高おった頃が懐かしいのう
[22:26:52] 陣営におっんや
[22:32:16] わしょおじ、そこそこ利確やで!
[22:34:42] 今朝ほどは裏の畑でポチが鳴きよりましてんwww
[22:36:53] ここいらは余裕のポジション
[22:39:39] 明日の事なんて誰もわからないんやでwww
[22:42:16] 利確しといたわははは!
[22:56:41] The city's a blaze, the town's on fire. The woman's flames are reaching higher. We were fools, we called her liar. All I hear is "Burn!"
[22:57:45] The city's a blaze, the town's on fire. The woman's flames are reaching higher. We were fools, we called her liar. All I hear is "Burn!"
[23:01:43] オットセー騒がしのうwww
[23:04:39] みかん美味いのうwww
[23:05:23] god
[23:06:18] god speed you
[23:07:21] HALぅぅぅw
[23:11:17] 地底人こわいでー!血吸われるでー!!!
[23:16:53] The city's a blaze, the town's on fire. The woman's flames are reaching higher. We were fools, we called her liar. All I hear is "Burn!"
[23:19:28] バーーーーーーーーーーーン、やね
[23:22:11] oasisはん、今夜は何やら悪夢を見そうやでーーーーーーーーwww
[23:23:47] そや、ワイが静内におった罰やぁぁあああ
[23:25:05] ドンドン下げて
[23:25:51] 爆益、爆益、爆益ゃぁぁあああwww
[23:32:22] 再三バーンゆーたやんw
[23:33:04] マンボウ!
[23:34:46] マンボウと焼肉やなwww
[23:41:32] わしょおじ!なにわの人間国宝!!!
[23:45:20] 2分で1億7千マンボウwww
[23:46:29] ナンクルナイサーーーーーーーー
[23:49:35] ポチのおかげで毎日が爆益やわ
[23:53:10] 爆益、公用語になって嬉しいで!!!
[23:54:15] ラーメンに見えたw