2020年02月29日 Thiaguinho さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 49 / 51 回

10時の発言 : 5 回
11時の発言 : 1 回
12時の発言 : 45 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[10:23:46] brazil
[10:27:03] hey
[10:27:12] good morning
[11:58:39] brazil brazil
[12:06:59] kkkkk
[12:07:10] brazil brazil
[12:08:12] hi
[12:08:14] good
[12:08:16] and you :
[12:09:01] short
[12:09:27] pleasure thiago
[12:09:57] where from :
[12:10:08] brazil
[12:11:38] inglish
[12:12:06] work
[12:13:13] ok
[12:13:16] nice
[12:13:39] 32
[12:13:40] you :
[12:14:44] no
[12:15:03] only inglish , italian , portugues
[12:15:29] yes
[12:15:31] you :
[12:16:19] hard to read these japonese letters
[12:16:28] rsrs
[12:18:08] spend time
[12:18:15] and you :
[12:19:02] yes
[12:19:16] very difficult to win
[12:20:52] i lose every day
[12:21:30] kkkkk
[12:22:08] you are x15 :
[12:22:22] operation
[12:22:33] my too
[12:22:58] o brasil e maravilhoso quente praia
[12:23:55] how to get to x15 :
[12:24:09] do you know
[12:25:07] ok
[12:25:30] yes
[12:26:38] sim
[12:26:48] nagoya esta frio
[12:27:09] yes
[12:27:52] you are japonese :
[12:29:36] ok
[12:30:37] no
[12:32:16] rate
[12:32:58] IQ option
[12:33:06] binance
[12:33:56] all are like this