2020年11月29日 Sunpower さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 17 / 17 回

23時の発言 : 17 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[23:25:24] Hey, boys!
[23:25:31] Can you feel it?
[23:25:48] I bought high, sold low.
[23:26:16] Nice one.
[23:26:40] Is it going to go on a run? A new high?
[23:26:48] I want $20,000 BTC
[23:27:40] "明日の今頃は爆上げ" - I hope so.
[23:28:25] I feel ashamed. I'm the only gaijin in here.
[23:29:00] Do you think that BTC will one day be worth $1 Million?
[23:33:55] Come on, boys!
[23:33:59] Ride The Tiger!
[23:35:38] RIDE THE TIGER!
[23:36:34] @近松門左衛門 - Luxembourg.
[23:37:01] LMAO!
[23:38:36] @近松門左衛門 - Bitflyer seems good for Japan. Easy to use and register for. And I think the Jap Govt approved it.
[23:39:37] @近松門左衛門 - Where are you from?
[23:40:04] @近松門左衛門 - Thanks.