2020年12月08日 Sunpower さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 100 / 102 回

00時の発言 : 16 回
01時の発言 : 4 回
04時の発言 : 13 回
05時の発言 : 29 回
13時の発言 : 1 回
14時の発言 : 8 回
15時の発言 : 2 回
17時の発言 : 19 回
18時の発言 : 1 回
20時の発言 : 8 回
21時の発言 : 1 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[00:11:21] Did we get a Bottom today?
[00:11:29] It was stuck at around 2,000,000.
[00:11:38] Come on, boys!
[00:11:46] Are we going to see another 1,500,000 BTC?????
[00:12:03] ha
[00:14:22] Come on, boys! Tell me we're going to be okay!
[00:14:33] Are we going to see a Bottom?
[00:14:46] Take me home, baby! I wanna see a 1,500,000 BTC!
[00:15:10] @赤木 しけこ - You think long is good?
[00:15:34] 2021 is going to be a big year, I think.
[00:17:08] Come on, boys! Let's make it happen!
[00:17:32] 東京住んでいる人がいますか?
[00:20:28] YES!
[00:20:57] @赤木 しけこ - Do you feel "natsukashi"?
[00:21:26] 千葉県どですか
[00:22:13] 埼玉県でこんなに悪いことが起こるのはなぜですか?
[01:25:10] Come on, boys! We need a new Bottom!
[01:25:22] Take me home to 1,500,000 BTC!
[01:26:08] I bought at 1,090,000 in the summer.
[01:26:23] I sold at ~ 2,000,000
[04:04:23] Is it closed?
[04:05:43] How long is it closed for?
[04:48:37] Is this a bottom?
[04:50:29] Thank you.
[04:50:42] I think it's close to a Bottom.
[04:50:46] I think....
[04:51:00] Then, bounce back up to 2,000,000?
[04:56:19] Ohaiyo Gozaimasu!!!!!
[04:56:47] Let's have good BTC Day!!!!!
[04:56:50] Let's!!!!!!!!!!!
[04:59:17] You boys are up early.
[04:59:23] Why?
[04:59:30] You always get up early?
[05:01:26] Ohaiyo Gozaimasu!
[05:01:32] Mina Genki?
[05:02:01] YES!
[05:02:04] Thank you!
[05:02:07] Okay desu.
[05:02:11] Thank you senpai!
[05:02:41] Is it going to be a good BTC day?
[05:02:57] そうだね
[05:03:20] 信者多です。
[05:04:00] 日本語できないですよ。
[05:04:32] 申し訳ございません。
[05:05:43] @弁天 - I'm testing you.
[05:06:31] @弁天 - Just to see what you got.
[05:10:27] Hello, boys.
[05:10:34] Eating breakfast?
[05:10:40] Making coffee?
[05:10:54] Buckle up, because I think we are going to make some $$$ today.
[05:11:17] @弁天 - Whoa!
[05:12:29] @ohayou! - I'm just enjoying some cofee and eggs this morning.
[05:12:47] Watching the Bitcoin fall.
[05:13:14] Mmmm smell the morning cofee.
[05:13:44] We're looking good, boys.
[05:13:57] @弁天 - Okay.
[05:14:33] @弁天 - こんにちは。
[05:16:48] Good Morning, Japan!!!!!!!!!!!!
[05:17:00] Are you ready for a nice BTC day?
[05:17:32] Let's make it happen, boys!
[05:17:43] How many of you Jap bros are MGTOW?
[13:22:08] やまや酒屋さん安いですか?
[14:22:40] Come on, boys! Are we going to see another Bottom today?
[14:23:06] I wanna see another 1,500,000 BTC!!!
[14:23:22] Is 2021 gonna be a good year?
[14:25:34] Denchigomi - THANK YOU!
[14:25:59] Tell me we're going to make it.
[14:26:04] Tell me it's going to be okay.
[14:26:18] I want it to go down - DOWN!
[14:26:27] Don't go up you crazy BTC!!!!!
[15:30:37] How you boys feeling about the price?
[15:30:45] Are you buying high and selling low?
[17:06:39] Come on, baby!
[17:06:45] Go DOWN!
[17:07:54] There we go.
[17:07:58] Come to Papa!
[17:08:45] Denchigomi - What's your position?
[17:08:56] Come on, baby!
[17:09:00] Let's GO!
[17:09:16] We need one more Bottom today.
[17:35:56] Boys, are we going to get another Bottom tonight?
[17:44:23] YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:44:27] A Bottom!
[17:44:39] Come to Papa!
[17:44:44] Do it, baby!
[17:44:48] Come on!
[17:44:51] Let's GO!
[17:48:41] Come on, boys!
[17:48:49] Let's GO!
[17:49:19] Come on, baby!
[18:45:12] I bought too early.
[20:44:19] Daily P&L = -24,000 :(
[20:44:31] I hate myself. No self control.
[20:44:48] I bluew my load at 1,985,000
[20:45:56] Are you boys buying low and selling high?
[20:46:01] I hope so.
[20:46:08] @Yoshida - What's the shot?
[20:51:38] Nice low.
[20:51:55] I wish I had some money.
[21:44:20] Damn. How low will it go?