2020年12月10日 Sunpower さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 147 / 147 回

16時の発言 : 15 回
19時の発言 : 7 回
20時の発言 : 68 回
21時の発言 : 22 回
22時の発言 : 26 回
23時の発言 : 9 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[16:01:02] What's good, boys!
[16:01:10] I bought too high.
[16:01:25] I bought on Tuesday at 1,985,000.
[16:02:04] Then it fell to 1,857,000.
[16:02:15] I'm buying high, selling low!
[16:02:55] I need more patience.
[16:03:02] I got excited.
[16:03:09] I pulled the trigger too soon!
[16:03:19] I need to calm down.
[16:03:23] I need to take it easy.
[16:35:16] ニューフェースです. 自己紹介は必要ですか?
[16:37:16] みなさん, はじめまして. よろしくお願いいたします.
[16:39:11] No short?
[16:39:18] Boys, what's the shot?
[16:39:26] Buy now, or wait?
[19:12:18] How you boys holding up?
[19:12:35] Yoshida, what's the shot?
[19:13:03] I'm not not a nip.
[19:13:10] I'm one of those White barbarians.
[19:13:28] I don't eat rice.
[19:13:50] Well, when I go to CoCo-Ichibanya, I only get 200 grams of rice.
[19:15:21] What would you rather have: (1) A new girlfriend, or (2) BTC go over ¥2,000,000?
[20:12:39] Will it go back up to 2,000,000 tonight?
[20:12:53] Who's buying?
[20:12:58] OKAY!
[20:13:22] Buy now?
[20:13:33] 今かう?
[20:14:04] How much should I bid?
[20:14:13] Damn.
[20:14:19] I'm buying high, selling low.
[20:14:22] This week.
[20:15:39] Usau, tell me we're going to make it, bro!
[20:15:45] Tell me it's going to be okay.
[20:15:59] Which chart?
[20:18:31] I'm scared, boys.
[20:19:35] Thanks, bros!
[20:24:58] I just bought 0.0781 BTC!!!!!
[20:25:08] I pulled the trigger!
[20:25:11] I did it!
[20:25:20] Feels good, bros.
[20:25:25] I'm back in teh game!
[20:25:57] But they told me to buy
[20:26:02] So I bought.
[20:27:00] @ねむいぬ - If I buy you a coffee, will you teach me?
[20:27:18] @X予告 ∩( ゚Д゚)∩ギューン - Yes.
[20:27:31] That's why I like to *short* BTC
[20:28:03] @ねむいぬ - LMAO. Just a normal one. I promise :)
[20:28:21] Okay, boys. What's the shot?
[20:28:24] Who's buying?
[20:29:00] 大丈夫ですか?
[20:29:14] ぎりぎです
[20:29:36] もうすぐです。
[20:29:53] Come on, boys! Pull the trigger!
[20:30:08] Damn. I bought too early.
[20:30:20] I bought at 1,898,721.
[20:30:32] I need more patience.
[20:30:48] When should I pull the trigger?
[20:31:01] 1,850,000 - is it possible?
[20:31:35] どんどんどんきほて
[20:31:58] What kind of customers shop at Donqixote?
[20:32:35] @User7C3AA18 - I know. I'm a White barbarian.
[20:32:45] @User7C3AA18 - I'm a White savage.
[20:33:29] It's a little nippy out today.
[20:33:40] I have my heater on. A little nippy out.
[20:39:02] 今日、山新店で新しいDainichiの灯油ストーブを買いました。
[20:41:25] Dainichiいいですね。強い。
[20:41:30] 感動しました.
[20:42:12] 日本の製品は中国の製品よりも優れています。
[20:43:33] @ねじ子ちゃん - なかないでください。
[20:44:17] 泣かないで。 心配しないでください。
[20:44:39] It's going to be okay, boys.
[20:44:44] We're going to make it.
[20:46:10] 日本の女の子は大きなペニスが好きですか?
[20:47:19] 毎日何時間BTCを見ますか?
[20:48:04] Buy or Sell. Please advise. Thank you.
[20:48:54] 安い!本当に安い!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:49:21] どうする?
[20:49:41] @kimball - are you buying?
[20:49:47] Will it go lower?
[20:51:44] @kimball - YES!
[20:51:58] Oh, oh - under 19000
[20:52:02] Come on BTC!
[20:52:06] Come on baby!
[20:52:18] Come to papa!
[20:54:20] Let's make it happen, boys!
[20:54:24] GO BTC!
[20:54:27] Come on!
[20:56:02] コロナちゃん大好きです。
[20:57:21] 今年の簿年会カンセルしました。
[20:59:13] @rarara - Your Japanese is good. I see you sometimes on Reddit.
[21:00:02] 熊が好きですか?
[21:01:26] あのですね。。。
[21:01:43] YES!
[21:01:48] Come on, you crazy BTC!
[21:01:57] Go DOWN!
[21:08:29] 私はおなかぽんぽんです。
[21:08:44] Holy shit, boys! I think this it it!
[21:08:52] It's Happenning!
[21:09:22] ときどき
[21:09:38] It's happening, boys!
[21:10:10] 買ってよかった
[21:10:43] Come on BTC!
[21:13:47] 買う、買わない。どうする?
[21:14:23] @エクス - YES!
[21:20:28] Boys, I think we're in for a long night.
[21:22:05] 一人に住んでいる。二匹猫を飼ってます.
[21:22:18] 野良猫です。
[21:29:52] @X予告 ∩( ゚Д゚)∩ギューン - のみすぎないでください。
[21:36:31] @rarara - What's going on, man.
[21:36:40] Are we buying or selling?
[21:52:44] IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:02:36] Here we Go!
[22:02:49] やすい!
[22:03:10] 本当に安い!!!!!
[22:42:44] H-O-L-Y F-U-C-K!
[22:42:58] IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:43:08] It's really happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:43:16] HOLY SHIT!
[22:43:22] Another Bottom??????
[22:43:48] Who is the guy who called my stupid for buying at 1,910,000?
[22:43:55] He was right!
[22:44:12] Holy shit. How low will it go?
[22:44:27] It's falling.
[22:44:31] Down!
[22:44:54] What's the shot, boys?
[22:45:07] Buy now, or wait?
[22:46:22] @rarara - If I meet you, I will buy you the ramen of your choice!
[22:46:34] Taiwan?
[22:47:33] Are you boys afraid of Corona-chan?
[22:49:04] I never want to go to Jew York.
[22:49:21] The Jew United States is aweful.
[22:49:50] New Jewland?
[22:50:16] Jews.
[22:50:21] Jew.
[22:50:34] Jewish.
[22:52:58] You boys feeling good?
[22:53:04] Is it going to happen?
[23:01:06] Jesus H. Christ - IT'S HAPPENING!
[23:01:20] It's really happening!
[23:09:24] Holy shit, boys.
[23:09:33] I can't belive it's happening.
[23:09:42] Here we are at 1,888
[23:19:15] Holy shit, boys. It's really happening.
[23:19:19] I can't believe it.
[23:19:25] It's really happening!!!!