2020年12月18日 Sunpower さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 24 / 24 回

02時の発言 : 4 回
03時の発言 : 2 回
04時の発言 : 3 回
17時の発言 : 4 回
19時の発言 : 1 回
20時の発言 : 4 回
23時の発言 : 6 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[02:13:43] Oh My God, Boys!
[02:13:48] The Market Over Heated!
[02:14:09] WHAT??????
[02:40:50] Are you boys getting rich?
[03:33:01] It's happening!
[03:33:56] Yeah. It's amazing.
[04:00:39] How long does it close for?
[04:11:28] Hurry Botter - Thanks.
[04:12:12] 2,400 again
[17:33:15] What's the shot?
[17:33:20] Buy and Hold?
[17:34:07] 3 Million BTC?
[17:34:31] 2021: $5 million BTC!
[19:59:41] Are you boys getting rich?
[20:01:05] I'm here to learn how to BTC.
[20:01:14] LET'S BTC!
[20:02:07] 買わなくて良かったですよ!
[20:03:00] Okay. Short play.
[23:16:00] How low is it going to go, boys?
[23:16:15] 2,200,00?
[23:16:52] 2,000,000
[23:17:03] 2,200,000
[23:28:09] @kimball - I've seen that.
[23:28:28] How low will it go tonight?