2021年01月28日 Sunpower さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 31 / 32 回

00時の発言 : 11 回
02時の発言 : 21 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[00:49:19] Tell me we're going to make it, boys. Feels bad.
[00:49:26] Tell me it's going to be okay.
[00:49:30] Feels bad...
[00:49:39] F for Bitcoin
[00:50:22] @Gos - What's the shot?
[00:50:53] My dream was to be a BTC Pro.
[00:50:56] Feels bad...
[00:52:11] But I had Sasami Chicken katsu curry at CoCo Ichibanya.
[00:53:45] Go Long, boys!
[00:53:59] HODL!
[00:54:30] I bought at 3,875,000 ~ 4,090,000. So...
[02:19:49] Is it going up, or down?
[02:22:51] Tell me it's going to be okay, boys.
[02:22:54] Feels bad.
[02:23:00] F for Bitcoin.
[02:23:34] Bill Gates is a monster.
[02:23:41] I WON'T take the Vaccine!
[02:24:46] Japan is so nice. 99% Japanese.
[02:25:10] Remember, Jap bros, diversity is NOT your strength.
[02:25:15] Diversity is cancer.
[02:26:06] Love your fatherland.
[02:26:16] Are Japanese patriotic?
[02:26:30] @Zacko - Are you wacko?
[02:26:42] I think Zacko might wacko.
[02:27:00] Your fatherland is Japan, if you're Japanese.
[02:28:07] Do you love Japan?
[02:28:20] YES / NO
[02:28:38] so-so?
[02:28:57] Thank you.
[02:29:23] Good luck, and good night, nip bros.
[02:29:29] Bye