Follow @Takano_Yuuki
表示数 / 総発言数 : 35 / 35 回
00時の発言 : 2 回
18時の発言 : 1 回
20時の発言 : 20 回
21時の発言 : 8 回
23時の発言 : 4 回
2021年02月18日 Rockwell さんの個別チャットログ
※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。
表示数 / 総発言数 : 35 / 35 回
00時の発言 : 2 回
18時の発言 : 1 回
20時の発言 : 20 回
21時の発言 : 8 回
23時の発言 : 4 回
[00:34:10] What's good, boys!
[00:34:19] Ride The Tiger!
[18:03:54] !
[20:47:03] @Gos - What's the shot?
[20:47:42] 4 million?
[20:47:46] I better sell!
[20:47:54] Okay, thank you!
[20:48:36] I feel a lot of love in the chat tonight.
[20:50:07] I'm just drinking boilermakers and smoking my pipe, listening to some Shiloh LoFi Chill Beats.
[20:51:56] @平穏 - 3.5 Million is ON SALE.
[20:52:43] What's the shot?
[20:52:55] HODL, or sell now and buy cheap tomorrow?
[20:54:01] @♢おこめ♢ - I like the big dick energy.
[20:55:08] God, I could go for some buta soba right now.
[20:56:01] But my buta soba shop closes at 8:30 PM.
[20:56:36] My boss told me not to talk about Jews at work.
[20:57:06] @リアキン - Yeah. It just closed.
[20:57:32] @年次 - You're reading my mind. Maybe ramen, or Matsuya.
[20:58:02] YES! I LOVE BUTA SOBA!
[20:58:55] What about Sukiya?
[20:59:04] I have a Sukiya near my house.
[20:59:17] Which is better, Yoshinoya or Sukiya?
[20:59:33] Beef bowl is kind of boring, though.
[21:00:21] I have a 24 hours McDonald's near my house, but I've already eaten 4 Big Macs this week.
[21:00:38] Sukiya is probably my choice, also.
[21:01:03] I love the Giga Big Mac.
[21:03:23] @年次 - Buta soba would be nice right now.
[21:04:36] @リアキン - What do you like at KFC?
[21:04:54] I only get Big Macs at McDonald's.
[21:05:20] @リアキン - Chicken Filet is good.
[21:07:48] 寒いときはラーメン・ブタそばが好きです。
[23:01:40] Come on, boys! Let's bring her back up to 5.6 million!
[23:02:34] YES!
[23:02:42] 6 Million tomorrow!
[23:13:26] Do you boys think we'll hit 6 million tomorrow?
[00:34:19] Ride The Tiger!
[18:03:54] !
[20:47:03] @Gos - What's the shot?
[20:47:42] 4 million?
[20:47:46] I better sell!
[20:47:54] Okay, thank you!
[20:48:36] I feel a lot of love in the chat tonight.
[20:50:07] I'm just drinking boilermakers and smoking my pipe, listening to some Shiloh LoFi Chill Beats.
[20:51:56] @平穏 - 3.5 Million is ON SALE.
[20:52:43] What's the shot?
[20:52:55] HODL, or sell now and buy cheap tomorrow?
[20:54:01] @♢おこめ♢ - I like the big dick energy.
[20:55:08] God, I could go for some buta soba right now.
[20:56:01] But my buta soba shop closes at 8:30 PM.
[20:56:36] My boss told me not to talk about Jews at work.
[20:57:06] @リアキン - Yeah. It just closed.
[20:57:32] @年次 - You're reading my mind. Maybe ramen, or Matsuya.
[20:58:02] YES! I LOVE BUTA SOBA!
[20:58:55] What about Sukiya?
[20:59:04] I have a Sukiya near my house.
[20:59:17] Which is better, Yoshinoya or Sukiya?
[20:59:33] Beef bowl is kind of boring, though.
[21:00:21] I have a 24 hours McDonald's near my house, but I've already eaten 4 Big Macs this week.
[21:00:38] Sukiya is probably my choice, also.
[21:01:03] I love the Giga Big Mac.
[21:03:23] @年次 - Buta soba would be nice right now.
[21:04:36] @リアキン - What do you like at KFC?
[21:04:54] I only get Big Macs at McDonald's.
[21:05:20] @リアキン - Chicken Filet is good.
[21:07:48] 寒いときはラーメン・ブタそばが好きです。
[23:01:40] Come on, boys! Let's bring her back up to 5.6 million!
[23:02:34] YES!
[23:02:42] 6 Million tomorrow!
[23:13:26] Do you boys think we'll hit 6 million tomorrow?
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