2021年03月11日 Seeking the gold さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 66 / 66 回

03時の発言 : 32 回
06時の発言 : 8 回
07時の発言 : 20 回
12時の発言 : 5 回
20時の発言 : 1 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[03:41:17] Tried to change my name lol
[03:41:24] it worked!!haha
[03:41:44] i think you're right
[03:42:02] 日本とブラジルです
[03:42:23] あの言葉わからんw
[03:42:39] i just did. Seeking the Gold haha
[03:42:52] 40 year old dude
[03:43:26] I was
[03:43:38] Now I'm in the country side
[03:43:41] for now
[03:43:52] good night!!!
[03:44:28] また落ちたやん
[03:46:01] 場違い
[03:46:44] Yes. Also Portuguese and Spanish
[03:47:19] Nikkei Latino? hard to explain
[03:47:35] Spain and Japanese blood
[03:48:05] yeah lol
[03:48:27] mom is spanish. pops Japanese
[03:48:49] Yeah
[03:49:26] No. But I have Japanese and Brazilian
[03:49:33] citizenship
[03:49:56] About to marry an American girl. Trying to get my third
[03:50:02] yes
[03:50:23] so i can go anywhere haha
[03:51:53] yes. That was a while ago. basically to prevent increase in criminality
[03:52:20] The japanese thought that it would be better to sendthem back than to have them unemployed here
[03:53:12] The Japanese got their heart broken when they realized that lol
[03:53:39] NOt all places are dangerous tho
[03:53:57] But it would be better to visit with a native
[03:54:15] Just in case
[03:55:32] Ok man. It was a pleasure. Hope to see you again here
[03:55:38] have a good one
[06:28:43] 何で急に爆発?
[06:36:16] 売るタイミングはどうやってわかるですか?
[06:41:19] @電子
[06:41:30] @電子ゴミ ありがとうございます
[06:53:40] Hey man
[06:53:57] Why do you think its going up?
[06:54:10] to 65 thousand?
[06:54:20] sorry to bother
[07:09:07] 徹夜しました
[07:09:39] 今乗って伸び続きそうですかね
[07:12:50] 追加
[07:12:57] 追加しようと思ったんですが、やっぱり落ちるの待った方がいいですかね?
[07:27:39] BAT
[07:27:41] BAT2枚しかないw
[07:36:39] 米株が上がると
[07:36:59] ビットコインに影響あるんですか?
[07:38:40] 勉強になります。
[07:41:11] オススメの証券会社はありますか?
[07:42:40] SBI
[07:42:46] SBIとNomuraに口座作りました。
[07:42:55] NOMURAは高そう
[07:43:20] www
[07:44:35] 今はそうしてます。商品
[07:44:37] 今はそうしてます。商品購入せずに相談オンリーw
[07:45:38] ありがとうございます
[07:46:06] てっか
[07:46:07] てっかいつまで上がるのこれ?凄いですね
[07:46:43] はい
[12:44:03] btcの税金って何%ですか?
[12:45:10] うあああ
[12:46:20] その場合の経費ってあまりないっすよね?インタネットや端末くらいかな?w
[12:47:01] なんか来そうじゃないっすか?
[12:47:26] 奇妙に静かになった気がします
[20:05:30] こんばんは