Follow @Takano_Yuuki
表示数 / 総発言数 : 28 / 28 回
22時の発言 : 5 回
23時の発言 : 23 回
2021年06月05日 NTD64 さんの個別チャットログ
※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。
表示数 / 総発言数 : 28 / 28 回
22時の発言 : 5 回
23時の発言 : 23 回
[22:55:56] お、ショート転換かー
[22:56:18] みなさん お晩ですー
[22:57:34] みなさん情報ソースはどんなの見てます?
[22:57:48] コインポストとか
[22:59:48] Hmm, sources can't be heard.
[23:02:03] Well, let me see US trends.
[23:04:29] It moves between 35k-38k USD.
[23:04:48] Now it touches the bottom side.
[23:07:26] Hahaha
[23:08:06] But I guess the ETF or funds for retail may keep the price.
[23:08:55] Hmm, It is rare that CT says so.
[23:09:51] Market Watch, conservative media, point out the move of funds.
[23:10:32] Guys, do you watch SEC sanctions?
[23:11:00] I'm wondering how to track the regulation by the.
[23:11:04] them.
[23:11:14] And FSA in Japan.
[23:12:32] Wow, BTC broke 4m JPY...
[23:13:30] Agree. I also see USD as well.
[23:13:45] 1106さん ありがとねー
[23:15:04] おほおぉぉぉ
[23:16:48] ドル建てが先に動いて、円が追従する感じじゃない?
[23:17:08] 英語圏のがイベントへの反応早い気が。
[23:17:54] トヨタか日産が電機自動車やったらつぶれるでしょ
[23:32:35] もうしてるw りそなに抜かれるだろうね
[23:38:52] 饅頭怖い的な?
[23:41:38] 香港、台湾、沖縄。。
[22:56:18] みなさん お晩ですー
[22:57:34] みなさん情報ソースはどんなの見てます?
[22:57:48] コインポストとか
[22:59:48] Hmm, sources can't be heard.
[23:02:03] Well, let me see US trends.
[23:04:29] It moves between 35k-38k USD.
[23:04:48] Now it touches the bottom side.
[23:07:26] Hahaha
[23:08:06] But I guess the ETF or funds for retail may keep the price.
[23:08:55] Hmm, It is rare that CT says so.
[23:09:51] Market Watch, conservative media, point out the move of funds.
[23:10:32] Guys, do you watch SEC sanctions?
[23:11:00] I'm wondering how to track the regulation by the.
[23:11:04] them.
[23:11:14] And FSA in Japan.
[23:12:32] Wow, BTC broke 4m JPY...
[23:13:30] Agree. I also see USD as well.
[23:13:45] 1106さん ありがとねー
[23:15:04] おほおぉぉぉ
[23:16:48] ドル建てが先に動いて、円が追従する感じじゃない?
[23:17:08] 英語圏のがイベントへの反応早い気が。
[23:17:54] トヨタか日産が電機自動車やったらつぶれるでしょ
[23:32:35] もうしてるw りそなに抜かれるだろうね
[23:38:52] 饅頭怖い的な?
[23:41:38] 香港、台湾、沖縄。。
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