2021年09月13日 ETHentrepreneur さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 36 / 36 回

09時の発言 : 2 回
10時の発言 : 1 回
11時の発言 : 11 回
12時の発言 : 12 回
22時の発言 : 1 回
23時の発言 : 9 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[09:24:36] ETH 1,000,000 Yen GO!
[09:41:37] ETH this month 500,00 then 1,000,000 Yen. Yeeehaauw!
[10:52:06] ETH 1,000,000 yen Go!
[11:32:08] www BTC 0 yen Go
[11:34:06] go go 0 yen BTC
[11:44:39] 0 ETH 0 BTC go!
[11:46:02] Shaken not stirred. Going down
[11:49:18] I will short it ETH & BTC now
[11:50:20] Good sale oui? en Francaise
[11:52:36] yach neine si Francaise
[11:53:37] Shorting power go!
[11:56:09] Down all day
[11:57:55] You guys enjoying the Crypto sale?
[11:59:02] Ok I will lower it more
[12:00:07] Ready for short squeeze soon. Relax!
[12:02:28] if you want to make money, maybe should buy now
[12:02:41] or HODL ww
[12:04:33] Engrish bad Japan sugoi!!!
[12:05:40] I will buy back
[12:07:25] I dont buy Mona
[12:07:35] Will buy Mona in November
[12:07:45] Now ETH and BTC only
[12:08:31] Singapore
[12:08:47] wwww
[12:09:45] I told you I'm buying back
[12:11:17] ok lunch time. Itadakimasu, Oskaresama www
[22:53:25] Dump It
[23:14:09] dump it again!
[23:16:16] dump it!
[23:22:45] up
[23:22:55] BTC 10,000,000 GO!
[23:29:38] Dump it!
[23:31:28] dump ETH
[23:32:42] yes, good dump it !
[23:38:55] dump it
[23:53:56] dump it!