2021年11月29日 ETHentrepreneur さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 39 / 39 回

09時の発言 : 3 回
13時の発言 : 2 回
14時の発言 : 30 回
22時の発言 : 4 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[09:35:57] if you had listen to me you will be making so much money. English is an advantage wwwww
[09:36:56] I said last night 700% up from yesterday before 92% loss in January
[09:38:28] HODL until January 9th!
[13:06:43] If you keep an open mind, understand English and believe me, you would have made so much money right now. If you speaky no English, well that sucks!
[13:59:16] If you are waiting to go down, it will not go down today. HOLD ETH
[14:01:43] sell it then!
[14:01:54] this is dumping? hahaha
[14:02:03] yes, it will but not today
[14:02:34] not today, nice try
[14:02:58] then dump your BTC and ETH right now if you believe it will lower
[14:03:34] you forgot we had sudden dropped also manipulated
[14:04:03] those will be filled but not today
[14:04:52] I agree, it will go down much lower, but not today, tomorrow maybe, I say December 2 we will drop but not today
[14:05:40] Thank you for your opinion, it's helpful :)
[14:07:59] Thats very logical
[14:08:09] you know well cyrpto has no logic
[14:08:29] ha ha ha
[14:10:22] well, thats the thinking, you know well it'll change in an instant
[14:11:14] www hai!
[14:11:48] I will be typing in Japanese if it drops today
[14:14:35] wwww if it drops today, I'll use Japanese
[14:15:10] Yes, price moves in direction most people lose money, this I absolutely agree
[14:27:44] 一つ確かなことは、あなたの英語は完璧です
[14:28:49] But I firmly believe today, we are up, ETH
[14:29:01] wwww
[14:49:04] Foreigners in Japan not only US military, there are Diplomats and there are many
[14:50:01] Yours truly is one member of Corps Diplomatique
[14:51:28] is he not nice? hehe
[14:52:44] me?
[14:53:14] yes, Diplomat, SIngapore
[14:53:48] yes
[14:54:09] ha ha ha
[14:54:26] I was educated in the UK, no such accent, sorry
[14:54:43] thats an awful accent
[14:55:59] ha ha ha angry, happy sad all sound the same
[22:53:09] only way is up. Here we go
[22:54:46] to be honest it may actually lower here wwwww
[22:55:22] this is where you hodl
[22:59:29] I'm only looking at ETH