2021年12月02日 ETHentrepreneur さんの個別チャットログ

※ 分析結果はあくまでも目安です。

表示数 / 総発言数 : 12 / 12 回

09時の発言 : 12 回

表示日付変更 : 1日前 1日後
[09:43:29] Good morning everyone, I have given advanced on Sunday, Monday and on Tuesday that this would happend on 2nd December, which is today. You should be taking profits now or HODL . Good luck!
[09:44:10] I have said watch 2nd of December :)
[09:44:34] shorter wins! Enjoy!
[09:45:50] my advice remains 100% accurate since September
[09:45:59] LOL!
[09:46:19] Going down with many traps on the way
[09:47:36] It might actually birst this time. But there will be one huge trap coming this month
[09:47:42] burst
[09:47:52] BTC 44K
[09:48:04] thats the target in US dollars
[09:48:55] I'm out have a nice day
[09:53:50] almost forgot, I will short the hell out of ETH if it goes up again. ha ha ha just watch if you dont believe me